Friday, November 19, 2010


We all have our own recipes for daily joy. For some it is a heartfelt prayer others a good long jog to put things in perspective. I personally don't believe that any one recipe for joy ever fits every need, person or situation. My personal recipe may not work for you. Heck, you may hate being in the kitchen, and just having a moment to sit puts you on the positive side of the balance sheet.
This may be a time of year that is incredibly busy, to the point of such distraction that the point of getting together to enjoy one another is totally lost. Please take this moment and realize that in the long run the people you love will only remember you came and spent some time with them. They will not remember if you brought fresh rolls or store bought.
We all understand that life sometimes trumps even the best intentions. Just be there. Laugh until it hurts, cry until you smile, listen when it counts, and work until its fun. That is life, not existing, not going through the motions, but actually working with the Lord to know what motion will actually make a difference.
I am going to make an effort to thank those this year who have taken the time to teach me what life is about. Those who have helped me learn for myself who I am, why we are here, and that the Lord isn't playing some kind of joke on us. Even the craziest of times make sense when looking back as to why it simply had to be that way and not the way I would have chosen at the moment.
To all you who fall in those categories-- Thank you -- from the bottom of my heart.
So in honor of a sweet woman in my church growing up at a pioneer activity, woman who's face or name I might never recall, here is a recipe for something she called "Pioneer Candy". I used to come home from school and make a small cup of this even in 1st grade. It is nothing incredibly special but she took the time to teach a group of kids and teach us about people who craved just a bit of sweetness from life. So, take this indulgent moment of sweetness from me.
Live in the Moment,
Bask in its joy.
Reach for your dreams,
All doubt destroy.
Trust in yourself,
Head high, heart full.
Know you are treasured,
beyond any other wealth.

Pioneer Candy
1 part peanut butter
1 part dry milk
a little touch of honey to smooth and sweeten.
Mix and enjoy.
Crazy combination but will give you plenty of energy to discover all the magic around your own house.
Gratefully yours;
Mrs. Brownie