For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” —Matthew 6:21
It is interesting how the world is so filled with tasks, that I get behind in the why of the task. For instance, Why do I like to keep my house clean, and vacuum more than is rational? Well, I love my dog, and am not ready to part with him. However, my primary job description right now is home-maker. Why? Because I want my family to have a safe place to land. Why? Because I love them dearly, and see glimpses of the crazy that is going on outside my walls, that I control. SO I vacuum.
With the Why in my pocket, it stops becoming of the 'have to' kind of task, but I 'want to' kind of task. How well I choose to vacuum, is directly influenced by my Why. When I am engaged in the Why I take more care to get ALL the hair, not just doing the busy areas.
I think the question of Why? directly impacts our every facet of life. It is far easier to follow an exercise plan, or project when your Why? is something that is part of your core values. The trick is that until it becomes a part of your core values, most of the time the task no matter how great of import, or necessary for your well-being is not going to get the attention it needs. The task at hand will be one of drudgery, and muddling through instead of filled with the joy of becoming.
I read a story earlier this year of a faithful woman who made bread for her family. It was not he fact that she made bread for her family in this crazy busy day and age that made me happy. Nor, did it make me think why I am not making my own bread. What made me happy about her story, was that with each step of the process. The bathing of the yeast in her mind= the baptism of Christ. The adding of oil= the anointing of His feet by the woman who was considered a sinner. My favorite part though was that as she kneaded the bread dough for 10 minutes, each turn she tried to think of things that she was grateful for.
Our lives are full of tasks. With Pinterest, we find that some of these we have been doing 'wrong' for many years. It doesn't take a life hack to find gratitude in the everyday, simplicity of the task. When studying the miracles of our Savior I was surprised to find that in the scholars' recounting of the tales it was mentioned more than once, that the existence of a withered hand, or a blind eye was just as much a miracle as the fixing of the afflicted person. Why? because everything is a gift. The fact that we have been created to live on a beautiful diverse planet with beauty in so many forms is astounding.
It has come to my attention, that through the years, the mundane chores of life have started to bring me more and more joy. Scrubbing something can bring satisfaction, because it is quiet time to contemplate, and discern. Folding laundry, while not my favorite, gives me time to step back and breathe, when dealing with a tricky situation. The Why? of my life has been instrumental in this transformation. Trust me when I was young only the carrot dangling on the end of the stick convinced me that something extra around the house needed to be done. There are still jobs that I don't enjoy, but having a purpose in doing them allows even the yuckiest mess, to be more tolerable.
Sometimes, it seems like finding the answer to the what is worth the cost no matter the consequences of the How. If you are familiar with physic you will recognize the natural law discerned by Sir Isaac Newton. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. For those in the choosing years, realize the fact that as you are making good choices that bring light to you and others good job. Remember that the how you get to the end matters more than the result of getting to the end. The process of the journey develops our hearts, and might into something more than it was when it began. Even if the hard of the how takes longer than those around you; be willing to become so that your Why is still firmly in place when you reach your goal.
BTW I still don't like waking in the middle of the night, nor cleaning up after the various sickness that sometimes descends upon my home. Nor do I necessarily like halting all my plans to attend to whatever has come up. BUT it is better, more doable, and doesn't cause any bitterness when I remember my Why.
May we each find our WHY. That tomorrow's challenges may seem more joy than, torment.

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