Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In Honor of Mabel

My little niece has gained a new little sister a few months back, this post is to honor her new role and the role of so many others in this world. Please note the below does not apply to "The Golden Child" as he is inherently above this common law. Furthermore, this is not a criticism of parents or their ability to have multiple children. It is simply an amalgam of my own observations.
Mabel you are a middle child and get used to it. Just a few truths that you are going to need to accept, in order to live a life free of bitterness and strife.
1. Yes, you will get bossed around but never have enough authority to boss those younger than you around until your too old for it to matter.
2. No, you will never be as_____ as your older sibling or as _____ as your younger sibling, Form your own identity or someone will create it for you.
3. Yes, Your parents love you, no you will probably rarely get their undivided attention and time that your siblings will have, just learn to be independent and happy to be so capable.
4. No, it is not likely that you will have friend s that are exclusively yours. Most will find great pleasure in playing with your whole brood- this is a great opportunity to play games that you can't play with just a few players.
5. Yes, you have got it life is not fair, and according to some crazy PhD. somewhere, you will likely not be president. It is okay; what do they know anyway? You are your own independent person, who has the opportunity to deal with older and younger peers. This can be used to your advantage over the years.
6. Yes, people love you and realize you are an individual but learn to answer to your siblings names at home school, and anywhere your family is well known, it just helps avoid confusion.
7. NO, your clothes will likely never belong to just you, they will be hand me downs, that your younger siblings will steal from your drawers anyway.
8. Yes, you will be the butt end of more jokes than anyone else in your family. Even the Golden Child can not escape this fate.
9. No, you will not likely get near as much praise for the exact same action as either of your siblings. The elder will be the for runner and the baby--- well parents spoil the baby of the family...that's the way it is.
10. Yes you will be in trouble more than your fair share. Your parents likely didn't notice the wrong doing when the oldest was starting it, your youngest sibling will be victimized instantly, and the blame will fall on you. Learn to plead your case, don't whine, and if you do get punished; well we all have a little share in the blame so take your own.
Good news dear. When the day seems kind of dreary and now one else is doing anything to fix it, you have the unique ability to bring smiles to everyone. You have experience catering to each family member due to your need for alliances to protect yourself. So here is the easiest peace making peanut butter cookies you can pull of in less than 20 min. Smile and savour your life no matter the implications. It is still going to be better than you could ever dream.
Peace Making Peanut butter Quickies
1 cup Peanut butter of choice- not natural
1 Cup sugar of 3/4 c honey
1 egg
Mix together, drop by rounded teaspoonfuls, and bake on cookie sheet for 10-12 min depending on the size in a 350 degree oven. Cool on pan 5 min, transfer to cooling rack.
The yummy smell will calm troubled hearts and cheer angry souls. Good luck fellow sandwich child, your life holds the promise of a fabulous future.
Love Mrs. Brownie


  1. Fun post Rachel - and so true :).

  2. I will definitely keep a copy of this for Mabel to read and appreciate as she grows. I'm sure she'll love it:) Cheers!!
