How do you finish the phrase, “I am….”
Have you ever finished that phrase when questioned by another about what you do, or what your interests are.
I am….. what?
We often limit ourselves by meager titles, that have NOTHING to do with what we really are.
Powerful words, “ I am,” that attempt to define the very essence of the being of a complex character. A person who has strengths and weaknesses. A person who has a history and a future. Someone who has both a failures and a great potential for a future.
Yet, in trying to simplify things to comprehensible, we try and deliberately distill all of this into one sentence. I am a Mom. ugh. NO.
Does one sentence do anyone justice? Is this the adult equivalent of asking your favorite color as a process of getting to know a new person?
It strikes me hard, when I ask someone, “What is their passion?”, “What makes you tic?”, or “What’s your story?”. That people are struck by the fact that I really don’t care what they do for a living, unless it brings deeper meaning to their existence.
Sometimes I forget in the melee of life that finishing this phrase carelessly can result in a glut of undesirable consequences. What I say is my breath of life. What am I giving life, and meaning to? Do I highlight my success, or my failures? Do I focus on my goals, or do I focus so intently on tasks at hand, that I forget the purpose of being?
Every thought we have, every phrase we speak gives life to what we say. There is a reason names have power. They are the spoken identification of the phrase I am…
What are you making your name mean to others? Do you make others want to use that name to define goodness, frustration, or evil in their own life?
How did a benevolent Creator finish this phrase? He didn’t, is the truth. Maybe so that He can be everything we need. If He had finished that phrase with any qualifier, would we be more hesitant to ask for help because that is not His specialty?
When we were coming up with our children’s names there were many disqualified, because of the people we knew who had those names. Ask any school teacher, and they will have very detailed lists of names they like and don’t like, and it has nothing to do with how the name sounds, or feels on your tongue. It is all about what experiences they associate with that word.
Names have power. How we identify anything gives, not only definition, but the expectation for that object or person.
When we name call, we actualize that behavior into part of another’s identity. Be careful how you define others with your language. You may give far greater power than what you intend, or demean the diamonds to charcoal.
Most acknowledge that children are susceptible to name calling. But sometimes I hate admitting that even the tone by which someone speaks to me affects how I respond to people for the rest of the day. We all care how people define us by their words and behavior aimed in our direction.
Caution, is essential.
In this society where so much of our lives is lived looking at, or listening to a microchip; beware of ignoring the social connection all together.
No screen, no matter how incredible the definition gives the same basic feedback as an in person human connection. Take time to recognize the majesty of humanity around you. There is good, there is truth, and there is complexity all about each of us every day.
If you want to observe love, witness the mother helping her toddler get through some really big emotions (read tantrum) in public. If you want to see generosity, watch for those who give their time so willingly without compensation. If you want to see beauty, breathe in the wind, the sky, or a simple smile.
You cast a spell with each sentence you speak. The vocabulary you employ can create chains or freedom for another soul. Your words of gratitude, can solidify the blossoming character of a struggling soul. Realize you will see what you are looking for in the world around you. Decide, and define where you live by what you pay attention to.
When you name your state, give room for continual change. Because I am becoming.
Smile and savour the goodness around you.