So a while back I had the impression that women were not to be hard as the world would have us believe. Rather the purpose of women on the earth is to be the binding soft threads that provide warmth, comfort, and strength in the times when others are looking around for hope.
In this impression I came upon some of the very interesting properties of natural silk.
For instance, did you know that silk can be warm when it is cold and cold when it is warm? It is one of the strongest natural fibers on earth. It breathes. Like women silk is a long list of seeming contradictions that work so well together. Though sweet we can be fierce. Although delicate in nature, we are strong of mind, body, and spirit. We can keep our cool and light fires under others in the exact same moment. In total we are meant to be the contradictions.
Upon this research I was curious as to how silk actually developed and was produced. The initial fibers are made by a caterpillar. One that lives on the leaves of the mulberry bush in China. In the beginning, smuggling these bugs out was a capital offense, because of the value of the silk trade. The trade route between Europe and Asia has been coined the "silk road". A journey that was not just topographically treacherous, but also beset with bandits willing to destroy life. Only those of royal lineage were allowed to wear the beautiful fabric, to further set it apart.
The larvae that give rise to this caterpillar must increase in size 10,000 xs. In the process shedding 4 different skins which feed local wildlife. All this before creating a beautiful cocoon spun of the finest natural thread known to man. This cocoon according to entomologists can produce nearly 1000 yards of silk filament. That is just amazing.
In considering this, I think how much each of us feel we grow/ have grown through the past days, or years. Often leaving behind the people we once were and becoming at every turn. Do we in the process see the changes that take place in our own selves? The bad habits that fall away, the empathy that develops, and the skills that are acquired and perfected; all because we were willing to continue the journey. The beauty of our's and the moth's lives are found as life is unwound in the heat of challenge and trial.( The cocoons are harvested and can only be undone by bathing them in boiling water. ) Once the thread is put onto spools it can be woven, dyed, and draped into the most desired garments on earth. Ever beautiful in the shine and drape inherent in the new fabric.
I had a dear friend report that she had become undone of late. Having been there, and knowing the fear that accompanies that state of being, I just wanted to hold her. I wanted to tell her that it is in unwinding that new greatness is found. The real problem is that being undone doesn't become less scary, but with faith, hope, and trust it gives you the courage to move on.
The Doctrine and covenants states in the 18th section verse.
22 And as many as repent and are baptized in my name, which is Jesus Christ, and endure to the end, the same shall be saved.
The same sentiment is repeated especially in the New Testament and in Psalms. Enduring anything is hard. We each have a story, a trial, or a wound that no one can adequately address. For the last 2 years mine has been pain. The experience, the fearing the next onset, the loss of capability to accomplish my goals because of it has been so real. I don't know if it is coming back soon. But I have learned so much about love, and trust in these passing years. I have learned that we can be given any gift we sincerely ask for--even ten minutes to finish a task, or an hour to make dinner. We can pray about those little things because the God I know is not one of revenge, or hurt, but a tender Father. One who wants to make every trial we have more endurable through His constant love notes sent across the universe in the form of tender mercies, and tiny miracles.
Being undone does not diminish the strength of the silk. Being put through the heat and boil water, does not destroy its inherent shiny and glow. It is in the undoing that potential is and can be realized. From a simple thread to a dyed flowing garment, capable of a remarkable things. It becoming something sought after by designers, and admired in the pages of magazines.
While I would hate to be in a magazine, and am so much happier behind the scenes. I have to admit that looking back and seeing what has become of my metamorphosis, gives me more hope. For every time I feel as if my life has been obliterated, I have trust that everything will be okay. The garment produced will have greater purpose than a temporary home, that will make food for lizards.
We are meant to be more than lizard food. We are meant to be vibrant works of art. Let each be brave enough to be the vibrant shade of lime green, merlot, or plum you are becoming. Be gorgeous in your honesty. Glorious in your goodness, and vibrant in your vivacity.
Smile and Savour