People come into our lives everyday. Some of them are there for eternity (for better or worse:). Some of them for such a fleeting moment, that we having evidence of their existence is hard to find.
I just finished a book about a theory of why Andrew Carnegie became the first billionaire philanthropist. If you have ever visited a public library, he was the first to create libraries that were free to the public. Thus, allowing all classes and origins access to an education, one of the pivots that Americans can change their stars.
This shroud businessman was known for not missing opportunities to expand his influence in the American economy, was somewhat ruthless. He amassed a grand fortune for his family by taking advantage of any upper hand he could attain. Then one day in December 1868 at the age of 33 he wrote himself a letter explaining that he was going to focus on improving the impoverished classes.
(The book is a fun novel by Marie Benedict, "Carnegie's Maid")
As I closed the cover on the book, I reflected on how many people have come in and out of my life. Some without incident, and others with a profound impact that changed my course for good. Many of these people have no idea that they have had any impact on our future course of life, yet without their influence on our lives we would be less than we are.
One of the early sparks in my life was Liz. She was my oldest brother's girlfriend. I know odd connection. Liz was one of those people who was confident, and vibrant in every way. She became an almost sister to me, and even helped my mom out after the two had broken up. Liz was the first person who called me out on my crap. When I was a teenager, I was very good at sizing people up and criticizing/ putting down their very essence. Yes, I must have been a dream for my parents.
While out at a greasy spoon, Liz turned to me after I had exacted the perfect put down, and told me that what I had said was mean not funny. The admonition was short and to the point, but well needed. From that time on instead of focusing on things I didn't like about others, I made an effort to focus on any little trait that was Christlike, or good. In this pursuit I started giving compliments to people I encountered. I started seeing the good in the world, and the good in myself (middle school was really bad for me). This led to me taking better care of myself, and becoming a person, not just a moody teen. Liz and my brother parted ways, I went to college eventually, and we all lost touch. She is still one of my treasured people because of the impact she had in my life.
People are part of our earthly education. It is okay to accept them into our lives even if it is for a day, a month, or a year. May you meet everyone in your path who can help you adjust your path to become who you hope to be.
PS. I finally, reconnected with Liz after almost 20 years. She is more herself now than I remember, unabashedly Liz. She has lived to not stop becoming and dreaming.
For today's recipe here is the first cookie recipe I created on a napkin in a restaurant.
PB Jumbos's- these can be made full size or jumbo size smaller preheat 350 larger 325
Whisk together
2 cups flour
1/2 tsp Baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
Melt Together separately
5TBs Butter
7 TBS Peanut butter (commercial I use creamy)
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 tsp. ginger
stir melted mixture, then add
1 egg+1 egg yolk
1 tsp vanilla
then add dry ingredients
1/4 cup for jumbos six to a pan 15-18 minutes. Press down with a fork or the back of a pancake turner
2 T for normal 7-9 minutes. press down with a fork.
I like to roll my portions and then press them down. you can top with sanding sugar or chopped peanuts.
Smile and Savour :)